Skill & Trade

Author: admin

How To Get Skill Books?

You can get skill books from either NPC or Monsters

NPC can be found by coordinate

  • Sell skills DK:
  • Sell skills DW:
  • Sell skills ELF:
  • Sell skills MG:
  • Sell skills DL:
  • Sell Skills RF:
  • Sell Skill SUM:

How To Use Skill Books?

  • Step 1: Purchase skill books from an NPC.
  • Step 2: Click on the skill books to learn skills.
  • Step 3: Click on the skill settings icon to choose a skill to use.
  • Step 4: Click on the skill setup to deal damage to monsters.

How To Trade With Users?

Market Channels are available for convenient trade

Item Purchase From Personal Shop

  • Step 1: Dupble click on sellers
  • Step 2: Click on buy button
  • Step 3: Chose item and buy

Item Selling By Opening Personal Shop

  • Step 1: Open Inventory
  • Step 2: Click on personal shop button
  • Step 3: Move items to the personal shop
  • Step 4: Make a title of personal shop
  • Step 5: Put selling price
  • Step 6: Click on ok button
  • Step 7: Open personal shop

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